A training protocol was signed between Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University (OKKU) and Cyprus Turkish State Employees Union (ÇAĞ-SEN).

A Training Protocol was signed between OKKU and ÇAĞ-SEN.

A training protocol was signed between Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University (OKKU) and Cyprus Turkish State Employees Union (ÇAĞ-SEN).

In the agreement signed at 11.30 am at OKKU Rectorate Center on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, evaluations were made on the academic development of the employees, their scientific awareness and the projects they plan to realize. In the signed contract, it is one of our main goals to work to raise awareness between OKKU and ÇAĞ-SEN. Dr. Remziye Terkan and ÇAĞ-SEN President, Mr. Mehmet Davulcu, are united in the idea that our aim is to raise the standards of education in the society, to increase efficiency and productivity, and to bring people together in the society as a benefit stakeholder.

ÇAĞ-SEN Chairman Mehmet Davulcu said, “Education has a very important place for us. Universities also have important responsibilities in this regard. With such a training agreement, our employees will show a more sensitive, delicate and conscious approach towards the society. Contribution will be added to their contribution to society ". He thanked to the OKKU family on behalf of the employees for creating such a training opportunity.

OKKU Deputy Rector Assoc. Dr. Remziye Terkan said, “We were very happy to sign a training protocol with ÇAĞ-SEN. Our university is very sensitive to the self-development and awareness of each individual in the society. Strong steps towards the future are only possible if our people expand their vision. Our university lays the groundwork for a brighter future, everything is for our people and society. In addition, ÇAĞ-SEN, like all other existing unions, has an important place in society. With the protocol we signed between OKKÜ and ÇAĞ-SEN, we demonstrated the value we give to people, society and our community employees. The education service we will provide as OKKU will be an indicator of this. I wish our cooperation protocol to be beneficial and promising for OKKÜ and ÇAĞ-SEN.” ended her speech with her statements