OKKU Academics Commented on the Film "The Catcher in the Rye" with Murat KARAKÜTÜK

OKKU Academics Commented on the Film "The Catcher in the Rye" with Murat KARAKÜTÜK

Academics from OKKU (Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University) have started participating in online meetings organized by the university. These events, which initially began with students, have now expanded to include academics as well. Demonstrating once again how important it is to acquire knowledge outside one's field and to enhance oneself, these activities have garnered considerable interest from academics.

During the meeting held last week, OKKU academics, along with Murat Karakütük, commented on the film "The Catcher in the Rye." The discussion about this film, adapted from J.D. Salinger's novel of the same name, provided participants with new perspectives and offered an opportunity to delve deeper into the relationship between literature and cinema.

The academics who attended the meeting highlighted the contribution of such events to their professional development and emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue. OKKU aims to strengthen the unity of the academic community and increase knowledge sharing through such activities.