Opening Speech from Global Ambassador of Sustainability Assoc Prof Ergin Akalpler at the 1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: GREEN BUSINESS, SUSTAINABILITY, and CLIMATE ACTION

Opening Speech from Global Ambassador of Sustainability Assoc Prof Ergin Akalpler at the 1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: GREEN BUSINESS, SUSTAINABILITY, and CLIMATE ACTION

Addressing the theme 'Green Business, Sustainability, and Climate Action' at the international conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ergin Akalpler, Global Ambassador of Sustainability, delivered the opening speech. Dr. Ergin Akalpler, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Onbeş Kasım Cyprus University, highlighted various sources of environmental and air pollution, elucidated on the associated challenges, and underscored the economic ramifications of energy consumption. Drawing from his latest academic research, he conveyed insights into the nexus between environmental issues and economic growth. Dr. Akalpler emphasized the imperative of adopting policies geared towards enhancing energy efficiency and fostering sustainable economic development, thereby curbing carbon dioxide emissions and setting clear renewable consumption targets as viable alternatives."