A New Book from Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University Academicians

A New Book from Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University Academicians

Onbeş Kasım Kıbrıs University Rector Prof. Dr.  Remziye TERKAN and Education Coordinator Zeynep N. KÖKSAL, has been published by Nobel Publishing House.

The book titled "Artificial Intelligence and Management" was published in Turkey in October, 2023. They wrote the "Artificial Intelligence and Human Relations" chapter in the book. This book examines the relationship between artificial intelligence and management in depth from an academic perspective and offers the reader a scientific road map with current research in these fields. This book, which is a truly interdisciplinary study, is designed to draw a vision for researchers, academics and students from different disciplines such as business, economics, informatics and psychology, and to contribute to their knowledge on leadership and entrepreneurship.

The content of the book discusses how artificial intelligence affects business activities and in what ways it affects management processes. Important issues such as data analysis, evaluation, risk management, and strategic decision-making were examined through the use of artificial intelligence and the opportunities and threats. In addition, the ethical dimension of artificial intelligence and the relations between the business world and society are also discussed in this book. The effects that will be encountered in future management processes have been evaluated through valuable studies covering issues such as the problems that may arise with the use of artificial intelligence technology, privacy and security concerns, and the replacement of the human factor by artificial intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Remziye Terkan