If safety is the number one concern out on the water, then look no further, the Standard Horizon HX891BT VHF/GPS/Bluetooth has it all! Built-in GPS and full DSC capabilities give the ability to share position information in the event of an emergency. The built
If safety is the number one concern out on the water, then look no further, the Standard Horizon HX891BT VHF/GPS/Bluetooth has it all! Built-in GPS and full DSC capabilities give the ability to share position information in the event of an emergency. The built ,HX890J | 船舶無線【八重洲無線】,船舶無線【八重洲無線】,八重洲無線のおすすめ無線機・トランシーバー9選 | 『無線の事ならお任せください』e-無線,国際VHFの機能紹介 - マリン用品 | ヤマハ発動機グループ ワイズギア